rabbit怎么读 rabbit怎么读英语怎么说
本文文章结构,分为3大部分:1.名词类:常见动物、动物的身体各部位、动物居住的处所、其他与动物相关的名词。2. 动词类:动物发出的声音、动物的动作、其他与动物相关的动词。 3. 形容词类。(阅读时长10分钟左右。)
animal [&39;?n?m(?)l] n. 动物
ant [?nt] n. 蚂蚁
bat [b?t] n. 蝙蝠
bear [be?] n. 熊
bird [b??d] n. 鸟
bull [b?l] n. 公牛
butterfly [&39;b?t?fla?] n. 蝴蝶
calf [kɑ?f] n. 小牛;牛犊
camel [&39;k?m(?)l] n. 骆驼
cat [k?t] n. 猫
caterpillar [&39;k?t?p?l?] n. 毛虫,幼虫
cockroach [&39;k?kr??t?] n. 蟑螂
cod [k?d] n. 鳕鱼
cow [ka?] n. 母牛
crab [kr?b] n. 螃蟹
①An animal is a living creature such as a dog, lion, or rabbit, rather than a bird, fish, insect, or human being. 动物 (不包括鸟类、鱼类、昆虫和人类)
②Any living creature other than a human being can be referred to as an animal. 兽类; 动物 (不包括人类)
crocodile [&39;kr?k?da?l] n. 鳄鱼
deer [d??] n. 鹿
dog [d?g] n. 狗
donkey [&39;d??k?] n. 驴
duck [d?k] n. 鸭子
eagle [&39;i?g(?)l] n. 鹰
eel [i?l] n. 鳗
elephant [&39;el?f(?)nt] n. 大象
fish [f??] n. 鱼
fly [fla?] n. 苍蝇
fox [f?ks] n. 狐狸
frog [fr?g] n. 青蛙
giraffe [d???rɑ:f] n. 长颈鹿
goat [g??t] n. 山羊
goose [gu?s] n. 鹅
grasshopper [&39;grɑ?sh?p?] n. 蚱蜢 ; 蝗虫
hedgehog [?hed?h?g] n. 刺猬
hen [hen] n. 母鸡
Chickens and ducks scratch around the outbuildings.
Where did you catch the fish?你在哪里钓的鱼?
hippopotamus [?h?p??p?t?m?s]n. 河马
horse [h??s] n. 马
insect [??nsekt] n. 昆虫
jellyfish [?d?el?f??] n. 水母;海蜇
kangaroo [?k??g??ru?] n. 袋鼠
kitten [?k?t(?)n] n. 小猫
ladybird [?led?b?d] n. 瓢虫
lamb [l?m] n. 羔羊,小羊
lion [?la??n] n. 狮子
lizard [?l?z?d] n. 蜥蜴
lobster [?l?bst?] n. 龙虾
mammal [?m?m(?)l] n. 哺乳动物
mole [m??l] n. 鼹鼠
monkey [?m??k?] n. 猴子
mosquito [m??ski?t??] n. 蚊子
moth [m?θ] n. 蛾;飞蛾
mouse [ma?s] n. 老鼠,耗子
octopus [&39;?kt?p?s]n. 章鱼
ostrich [??str?t?] n. 鸵鸟
owl [a?l] n. 猫头鹰
She sold me a couple of live lobsters.
oyster [???st?] n. 牡蛎
panda [?p?nd?] n. 熊猫
parrot [?p?r?t] n. 鹦鹉
penguin [?pe?gw?n] n. 企鹅
pet [pet] n. 宠物
pig [p?g] n. 猪
pony [?p??n?] n. 矮种马;小马
puppy [?p?p?] n. 小狗
rabbit [?r?b?t] n. 兔子
rat [r?t] n.老鼠;耗子
rhinoceros[ra??n?s(?)r?s] n. 犀牛
salmon [?s?m?n] n. 鲑鱼;三文鱼
seagull [?si?g?l] n. 海鸥
seal [sil] n.海豹
shark [?ɑ?k] n. 鲨鱼
shellfish [??elf??] n. 水生有壳动物
snail [sne?l] n. 蜗牛
snake [sne?k] n. 蛇
We don’t have any pets.我们没有养成宠物。
species [?spi?iz]n. 物种;种类
an endangered species 濒危物种
spider [&39;spa?d?]n. 蜘蛛
squid [skw?d] n. 鱿鱼;乌贼;墨鱼
squirrel [&39;skw?r(?)l]n. 松鼠
stag [st?g] n. 雄鹿
tadpole [&39;t?dp??l] n. 蝌蚪
tiger [&39;ta?g?] n. 老虎
toad [t??d] n. 蟾蜍;癞蛤蟆
tortoise [?t?:t?s]n. 乌龟
turkey [&39;t??k?] n. 火鸡
wasp [w?sp] n. 黄蜂
whale [we?l] n. 鲸
wolf [w?lf] n. 狼
worm [w??m] n. 蠕虫
zebra [?zibr?] n. 斑马
antenna [?n?ten?] n. 触角,触须
antler [??ntl?] n. 鹿角
beak [bi?k] n.鸟喙
hoof [hu?f] n. (马、牛等动物的)蹄
fur [f??] n. (动物浓厚的)软毛
feather [?fee?] n. 羽毛
claw [kl??]n. (动物或禽类的)爪;脚爪
coat [k??t] n. 动物外皮
hair [he?] n. 毛发
horn [h??n] n.(羊、牛等动物的)角
mane [me?n] n. 鬃毛
paw [p??] n. (猫、狗、熊等动物的)爪
shell [?el] n. 壳
snout [sna?t] n. 鼻子
tail [te?l] n. 尾巴
trunk [tr??k] n. 象鼻
tusk [t?sk] n. (大象等的) 长牙
wing [win] n. 翅膀
He heard the sound of horses&39; hooves behind him.
Cat hair makes me sneeze. 猫毛让我打喷嚏。
The kitten was black, with white paws.
aquarium [??kwe?r??m] n. 水族馆;鱼缸
cage [ke?d?] n. 笼子
field [fi?ld] n. 牧场
kennel [?ken(?)l] n. 狗窝;犬舍
nest [nest] n. 鸟巢;巢穴
build a nest 筑巢
web [web] n.蜘蛛网
zoo [zu?] n. 动物园
bite [ba?t] n. 咬
collar [?k?l?] n. 颈圈
egg [eɡ] n. 蛋
lay an egg 下蛋
sting [st??] n. 刺痛
trap [tr?p] n. (捕捉动物的)陷阱,捕捉器
A canary was singing In a cage. 金丝雀在笼子里唱歌。
How do you treat a wasp sting?你如何处理黄蜂的蜇伤呢?
The rabbit was caught in a trap. 兔子被捕捉器夹住了。
二 、动词(Verbs)
baa [bɑ?] v. (羊叫声)咩
bark [bɑ?k] v. 狗叫;狗吠
buzz [b?z] v. 嗡嗡声
growl [gra?l] v. (狗)狂吠
hiss [h?s] v. 嘶嘶声
miaow [m?&39;a?] v. (猫叫声)喵
moo [mu?] v. (牛叫声)哞
neigh [ne?] v. (马)嘶鸣
purr [p??] v. (猫)发出呼噜声
quack [kw?k] v. (鸭子)嘎嘎叫
roar [r??] v. 咆哮
snort [sn??t] v. (牲畜)喷鼻息;哼哼
Our dog always barks at the postman.
Bees buzzed in the flowers.
The cat sat on the sofa, purring happily.
crawl [kr??l] v. 爬,爬行
fly [fla?] v. 飞行;飞(flew过去式)
gallop [?ɡ?l?p] n. (马)飞跑;疾驰
hop [h?p] v.(鸟、小动物等) 双脚跳,齐足跳行
roam [r??m] v. 漫游,漫步
slither [?sl?e?(r)] v. 滑行,蛇行
swim [sw?m] v. 游;游动
trot [tr?t] v. (马)小跑
wag [w?ɡ] v.(狗)摇尾巴
bite [ba?t] v. 咬
feed [fi?d] v. 喂养;进食
graze [ɡre?z] v.(动物)吃青草
hibernate [?ha?b?ne?t] v.冬眠;蛰伏
hunt [h?nt] v. 打猎
sting [st??] v. 刺;蜇;叮
stray [stre?] adj. 走失的,无主的
a stray dog 走失的狗
tame [te?m] adj. 驯服的
wild [wa?ld] adj. 野生的
a wild animal 野生动物
The bird flew away as I came near. 当我走近时,乌儿飞走了。
The horse trotted around the field.马儿绕着田地小跑着。
The deer never became tame; they ran away if you went near them.